The Katare Group started weaving Industry with 4 Powerlooms in 1949 Considering the need of Yarn of Solapur Jacquard Factories, they diversified their activities into Spinning Industry in 1974 and installed 3000 Spindles and started Yarn 6s Count for Jacquard Chaddars.

Then 1984 they entered into large scale and set up a Unit of 25,000 Spindles and 10,000 Spindles Doubling at “Kamalanagar” ,TamalwadiTalukaTuljapur, District Osmanabad with excellent and latest technology. It is the first and foremost Company in solapur which plysit’s buses for their Workers. In 1992 they have set up an Unit No. 2 with 12,500 Spindles at Kamalanagar, Tamalwadi and also modernized their M.I.D.C. Unit with new machinery and technology.

After successful implemetationof the Textiles Spinning Units the Katare Group felt the necessity of World Hospitality at Solapur Which is a first started Hotel in Solapur and they had ability of fulfill and vital gap in the City of Solapur, namely to provide a really world Class, high quality hotel for both the business and tourists visitors.

HOTEL TRIPURSUNDARI : The Belle of the three worlds, the beauty, par excellence in the “ Traid” as we named this magnificent Hotel, consisting of 54 Rooms and Suites, opened its doors to the public on 20th March, 1997. It has everything that a world Class modern Hotel needs “ANNAPURNA”, “ UPASANA” the international cuisine restaurants, “ Kamala” the Banquet Hall a Shopping Arcade, and a state of the art business canter. Most of the modern facilities are available for the first time in Solapur.